England’s museums are fortunate to have access to a significant number of historical artifacts that have been discovered during construction and infrastructure works. These artifacts are usually found by commercial archaeologists who are hired by developers to clear sites for construction. However, there is a need for additional storage space to accommodate these artifacts, as the current storage space available is becoming insufficient. By increasing the storage space, museums will be able to showcase these important artifacts to the public, giving people the opportunity to learn more about their history and heritage.
Historical discoveries are a vital source of information for understanding our past, and museums play an essential role in preserving and presenting these discoveries. The artifacts provide insight into the customs, beliefs, and practices of people from earlier times, and by having access to them, people can better understand their heritage and how it has shaped their present.
Organizations such as Historic England, Arts Council England, and the National Trust have proposed solutions to the storage space problem. They have suggested the creation of a national archive that could accommodate the vast number of artifacts that have been discovered, potentially solving the issue for the next 100 years. These organizations are in early talks with the government to secure funding for this solution.
Another solution that has been implemented is the use of underground storage companies, such as Deepstore, which can provide boundless space for storing historical artifacts. Cambridgeshire County Council is already using Deepstore to store its 20,000 boxes of historical artifacts. This solution ensures that the artifacts are safe and secure and can be retrieved when needed. Additionally, museums can borrow artifacts from these storage facilities for temporary exhibitions, allowing the public to view them and learn more about their history.
Furthermore, to ensure that the artifacts are properly cared for, there is a need for dedicated curators with a background in archaeology. Therefore, funding for dedicated curators is essential to ensure that museums can continue to acquire and care for historical artifacts.
By providing additional storage space and funding for dedicated curators, museums can continue to preserve and display these historical artifacts, providing people with the opportunity to learn more about their heritage and history, that can provide invaluable insight into our past