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πŸš€ FAQs

Got a question?
You might find your answer here among some of our most frequently asked questions.

What are our ad rates?

You can find our rate car here.

How do I supply my advert?

Here are your delivery options depending on the type of ads you are supplying:

We also offer design services for your ads if you provide text, logos, and a style sheet (if needed). This process starts with our sales team, who will guide you on what to supply. A small charge applies, and your contact will discuss this with you. We also create simple color ads with things like color borders and swatches from an agreed list.

For more details, contact us at:

What formats can I buy?

Explore all of our digital and print formats in our ad gallery. Interested in something bespoke? Reach out to our ad operations team at to discuss your ideas.

What are the different publications that I can advertise in?

Yes. BRICS24 belongs to an international network of magazines. We can support multiple requests in vertical lines, focused on new technologies and sustainability.

What's BRICS24's brand safety policy?

At BRICS24, we prioritize ensuring that brands advertising with us are presented in a safe, trusted environment.Β 

Has BRIC24 physical offices with employees?

Yes. We have our headquarters in Switzerland, with three more offices in London (UK), Freetown (Sierra Leone), and Kolkata (India). In every office, we have dedicated employees that support our successful activity.

Does BRICS24 create genuine articles and news reports?

Yes. Our staff includes employees and freelancers from around the world. Every News we talk about has been written by our staff and copyrighted directly into the Blockchain Network, offering legal timestamps for our job.

Is BRICS24 a corporation?

NO. We are a “Brand” of 8id Ltd, legally based in London (United Kingdom).

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