[AD2401] The Image Scroller is a custom ad unit that can live in any mid-slot across the whole website. It includes a parallax feature, so as the user scrolls up and down the page, the image appears within the content. Users can choose to replay the video and interact with any components in the ad.
[AD2402] The Video Scroller is a custom ad unit that can live in any mid-slot across the whole website. It has a parallax feature and users will see auto-play video within content as they scroll.
[AD2403] The Video Banner is a custom ad unit that appears in any mid-slot on BRICS24 and includes an auto-play video on the left side with a logo, title, and descriptor text on the right.
[AD2406] The Leaderboard uses a horizontal format that sits at the top of the site, which can stay static or animated, depending on preference.
[AD2404] The Half Page provides a versatile, cross-platform format that allows brands to amplify messaging at scale, which can stay static or animated.
[AD2409] StoryWorks Web Promo ad appears on the BRICS24 News homepage and is a static image with the advertiser's and BRICS24 StoryWork's logos included.
[AD2408] The MPU is a versatile, mobile-friendly format that works cross-platform and enables brands to amplify messaging at scale, both static or animated.
[AD2407] The Slim Billboard was built to match storytelling demand, as it is bolder, wider and designed to showcase larger messaging. It can be clicked to expand to 970x300 and must include a close button.
[AD2405] The Billboard provides a beautiful canvas for broad stroke brand building. It serves as an opportunity to engage and provoke audiences with stunning imagery, rich video and stimulating media.
[AD2410] The mWeb 300x50 banner is usually placed at the top of a page, so it can be seen immediately by the user when the page loads for maximum exposure.
[AD2412] Mobile Interstitial ads are interactive, full-screen ads that cover the interface of the website. They are entry-point ads on any commercialized BRICS24.news page on mobile devices, and only portrait is allowed.
[AD2411] The Interscroller ad serves from a 320x600 slot across mobile content pages and responsively expands to the full width of the screen. The top bar above the creative will show "ADVERTISEMENT" and the bottom bar will show "CONTENT CONTINUES".
[AD2413] Times Square is a new ad format that will run only on the Homepage & Index pages. Always Expanded with no close button.
[AD2415] Skybox is a new ad format that will run on Desktop Only, on all index pages.
[AD2414] The Sponsorship Logo indicates content in direct association with BRICS24 globally renowned and award-winning journalism. Sponsorship labeling is to be included in all series/franchise Pillar and Sub-Section index pages.
[AD2416] The Headliner ad appears at the top of the page in a 970x250 slot and pushes the content when expanded. It works across desktop devices and large tablets, and is fully responsive to page width.
[AD2417] The Oustream ad appears on desktop below the fold between the article content pages. It only plays or animates when it comes into view and pauses when it is less than 50% in-view.
[AD2418] A Pre-Roll Video ad automatically plays before a featured video on both mobile and desktop with non-skip functionality for videos up to 30 seconds.
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