Editorial policy
BRICS24 Mission
A reliable media platform for blockchain news, insights and analysis, “Brics24.News” mission is To educate and create awareness about the latest blockchain developments by providing the most relevant, latest and accurate updates in the blockchain ecosystem. To serve as an international platform for blockhain followers, investors, founders, etc to synergize and expand the blockchain community.
Ownership and independence
Brics24.News can invest and have stakes in a blockchain startups or cryptocurrencies operated in Fintech industry. Brics24.News is an independent platform and runs its operations separately, no interference or intervention is allowed in editorial operations from key decision makers of the parent company or any external influencers.
Further, Brics24.News staff do not have any knowledge nonpublic information of the parent company, keeping the editorial decisions unbiased and transparent. Our editorial content and publications can impact the movement of cryptocurrency and Brics24.News team is not responsible for any loss for any individual or institution. Readers should be aware that this content can impact their investments and 689 News news is not responsible for anything.
Journalistic principles
We work on FAT principle – Fairness, Accuracy and Transparency. We strive to be a responsible news reporting platform with the main focus on publishing original news. Moreover, we take utmost care while reviewing and corroborating information from other sources. The editorial team of Brics24.News works independently, with no bias and preserves journalist integrity.
All editorial team members and freelance writers for Brics24.News are required to acknowledge the undertaking of their involvement in cryptocurrency and blockchain technology. Brics24.News can feature sponsored stories as a part of paid service.
All the views and opinions presented in any of the article published on Blockchain Magazine platform are not Brics24.News views and has no bearing on Brics24.News . As an organization, we do not advice on any given cryptocurrency or blockchain project, though our outside opinion contributors may express their own opinions and we have no binding on them. However, we have specific guidelines for our contributors and the same are reviewed and update periodically.
Revenue Model
Brics24.News earns revenue from sponsored posts, workshops, seminars, events, research and advertising.
Brics24.News do not trade in in the cryptocurrency markets.
Brics24.News focus on educational model to spread awareness about Blockchain trends among large community. We also help researchers and professors on their research in the field of Fintech on chargeable basis.