Ukraine’s new format of electronic land auctions has raised more than UAH 1 billion for the budgets of various levels. The auctions were launched as part of the country’s land reform and have enabled the sale and lease of land on transparent terms that were not previously available in Ukraine.
Equal rules and fair competition
Since the launch of the electronic auctions, 5.5 thousand participants from across Ukraine have taken part in online auctions in the state electronic trading system Prozorro.Sale. As a result, 3 thousand auctions for the sale or lease of land have been successfully held. Another 467 auctions are at the stage of concluding agreements and can bring in more than UAH 400 million in revenue.
The auctions have created equal rules and fair competition for land market participants. The sale of state-owned and municipally owned agricultural land in accordance with the Land Code remains prohibited. The total area of leased land is more than 54 thousand hectares, almost 38 thousand hectares have been sold. The majority of the online land auctions were announced in Kyiv, Lviv, Odesa, Cherkasy and Zakarpattia regions.
Efficient management and additional revenue
More than a thousand organizers have been able to manage their property more efficiently thanks to electronic auctions. The lion’s share of land at e-auctions is leased communal plots, allowing communities to receive additional revenue to their budgets. As of the end of March 2023, more than 1.5 thousand land auctions have been announced in the system, with a total starting value of almost UAH 480 million. The area of the plots is more than 34 thousand hectares.
Electronic auctions for the lease and sale of land in the ProZorro.Sale system were launched in Ukraine in October 2021. Auctions for the lease of state-owned and municipally owned agricultural land were not held from March 24, 2022, until they were resumed after the Law came into force on November 19, 2022.
Electronic auctions for the land lease and sale in the ProZorro.Sale system were launched in Ukraine in October 2021. Auctions for the lease of state-owned and municipally owned agricultural land were not held from March 24, 2022. They were resumed after the Law came into force on November 19, 2022.