SIL Cameroon Aviation, an American Christian non-profit organization, recently celebrated its 50th anniversary in Yaoundé. The occasion was marked by the official presentation of the 2022 annual report, highlighting the organization’s efforts to preserve the vitality of Cameroonian languages.
Transportation and Translation
For the past 50 years, SIL Cameroon Aviation planes have played a crucial role in preserving Cameroon’s linguistic heritage. The planes have transported researchers to the field to identify local languages, facilitated the transportation of patients from remote areas to hospitals, and transported SIL equipment and partners to support translation efforts. The organization has had pilots from various countries, including Germany, Canada, France, England, and the United States.
One of SIL’s pilots, Mark Spangler, has been flying for the organization in Cameroon for over a decade. He said, “We are excited to be able to assist our translators, linguists, and the medical field to support Cameroon, and to help people see what is possible when they commit their lives to following Jesus Christ and trusting what the word is telling them.”
Preserving Cameroon’s Linguistic Heritage
SIL officials aim to strengthen the vitality of Cameroonian languages by preserving those that are almost extinct or dead. They believe that each language and each life matters and that it is essential to preserve the culture and heritage of Cameroon. Fabienne Freeland, the General Director of SIL Cameroon, stated, “The perspective for going forward is not just focusing on the translation of Bibles but focusing on the vitality of languages.”
Success in 2022
SIL Cameroon achieved success in four domains in 2022: Bible translation and Scripture Engagement, Bible Translation Progress, Consultants-in-Training, and Workshop and Training. SIL consultants supervised 24 Bible translation programs and provided training and support to Bible translators. Portions of the Bible in audio, song, or oral storytelling format were produced in over 16 languages. Over eight local Scripture Engagement teams facilitated the use of translated scriptures in other communities.
Moreover, SIL successfully launched 18 translation projects, three of which were Old Testament projects. The projects were distributed across seven regions of Cameroon, and seven new translation projects were initiated in the North West, Centre, and East regions. Currently, five Cameroonian men are being trained to become translation consultants, and over 65 church leaders in Cameroon underwent Scripture Engagement training.
The organization’s contribution to preserving local languages, translating the Bible, and training local translators and consultants will undoubtedly help strengthen the vitality of Cameroonian languages and preserve the culture and heritage of Cameroon.